28 Aug 2018

Eden Health and Immune Booster-PL4 Super Metabolizer

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An important intervention in the prevention and support for treatment of cancer
This is one in the range of Eden Health and Immune Booster products. It is a plant based nutraceutical produced from plants with long documented history of medicinal and health benefits It has a wide base of amino acids, minerals, vitamins, antioxidants and other phytomolecules. This product has additional plant based ingredients which are rich in both digestive enzymes and phytonutrients which enhance body metabolism. Obesity and type 2 diabetes are caused by insulin resistance. Pl4 Super Metabolizer specifically targets at reducing insulin resistance. It also supports the reduction of stubborn weight. It is ideally taken in conjunction with an exercise regime, consisting of brisk walks or exercises that stress the body just enough to break into a sweat. It should always be accompanied as much as possible by a conscious meal management preferably of low carbohydrates and higher in fat.

One of the other support mechanisms you might explore is practicing intermittent fasting. Intermittent fasting involves the discipline of eating all your daily meals in a window of between four to eight hours. For the remaining 16 to 20 hours in a 24-hour cycle, you avoid meals especially carbohydrates. Intermittent fasting is an excellent way to become insulin sensitive. Insulin levels in the body rise with each meal/snack you take. It takes about 13 hours for insulin to return to its normal level. As we continue snacking, we never give insulin an opportunity to reduce to its normal level. The high level of insulin pushes all the glucose into the cells where it is stored as fat. In a short time, the cells stop responding to the insulin, giving rise to high blood sugar, otherwise known as diabetes.
By fasting regularly, you give the body a chance to not only burn excess fat as energy, but also to increase its insulin sensitivity.
The benefit of intermittent fasting for diabetics and those who seek to lose weight is that the body is forced to utilize all the glucose stored as glycogen in the fasting hours. When you make this a habit, once the glucose and glycogen are used up, the body begins to break down the stored fat and using it to provide the body with fuel. Once you utilize all the food you eat daily and begin to use the stored stocks of glycogen and fat, you naturally begin to reduce both your insulin resistance as well as shedding off excess weight.

All the benefits of Eden Health and Immune Booster – PL3 Extra are supplied by PL4 Super Metabolizer because the ingredients of PL3 Extra are all used in PL4 as the base. The additional food ingredients in PL4 Super Metabolizer supply higher amounts of digestive enzymes and nutritional elements that have tremendous benefits in the fight against cancer in cancer patients. The digestive enzymes in PL4 Super Metabolizer:Make digestion and metabolism more efficient beginning in the stomach before food finds its way to the small intestines. Are effective in digesting proteins which are problematic for many people. Attack and help destroy cancer cells Are useful in breaking down dead cancer cells which are killed naturally as the body’s immune system does its work or from chemotherapy or radiotherapy for those on cancer treatment. The enzymes are also able to enhance the detoxifying of vital body organs which improves their functional performance and over all health. The use of Eden Health and Immune Booster – PL4 Super Metabolizer is therefore an important intervention in the prevention and support for treatment of cancer. Other benefits of Eden Health and Immune Booster variants are listed below: Pl4 Super Metabolizer and Cancer (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) ·

  • Detoxifies and revitalizes the liver, pancreas, kidneys and blood circulation system.
  • Strengthens the immune system Speeds up recovery for those on treatment for various illnesses Improves heart health
  • Provides support for those on cancer treatment Improves bone health and relieves arthritis symptoms and pain Slows down and reduces impact of dementia and Alzheimers diseases
  • Regulates blood sugar Lowers blood sugar Alleviates allergies, colds, flus and asthma Boosts the health of HIV/AIDS patients Remedy for stomach ailments
    Improves metabolism and bowel movement
  • Improves vision Reduces weight Provides energy and stamina
  • Boosts brain function Enhances healing of wounds It is antidepressant which improves mood and stress conditions
  • Reduces insomnia
  • Reduces oedema
  • Anti-inflammatory and pain reliever
  • Improves libido and fertility Has strong anti-aging properties and effect.
  • Has many anti-oxidants Supports wellness and maintenance of good health
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